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September at the Postgraduate Research Hub

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aerial photo of brown concrete museum

Hi friends!

That time of year has arrived, where many of us return to the academic calendar, pumpkin spice lattes and the autumnal invitation to lovingly prepare our jumpers, scarves and toques beanies. It’s September at PGRH!

Head Pupils

In lieu of our usual featured members being chosen for participation in our monthly events, this month we wanted to recognise members who are stalwarts of the community through their helpfulness, their lovely energies, and for being true pillars of our community. If you’re not a member of our Discord community yet, come have a look around and join this month’s challenge!

September Vibes Challenge

To help bring the changing of the season into the server, each week we’ll post a September-themed prompt in our #photo-album channel for us to create a collective collage of the month of September! Our favourite contributions will be crowned the Autumn Ambassadors for the month of October. This week’s prompt is:

  • Fresh Starts — Post a photo of a new beginning in September, whether that be the beginning of a new school year, project, journal, hobby or whatever else might be starting fresh this week!

Monthly Think Tank 🐠

After the success of last month’s event, the PGRH Think Tank is now being upgraded to a monthly event! This monthly Think Tank (led by the lovely Rebekah) will aim to help people talk through concepts they’re grappling with, troubleshoot research challenges and discuss research goals, projects, issues and ideas!

This month’s Think Tank will be Monday, September 9th, for reminders, sign up for the Scholastic Sharks role!

Other Server Events

🍂 Monday pomodoros are taking a break this week, but resuming from to on Mondays for the rest of the month! Join the PomPoms next Monday to start the week off right!

🍎 While the coworking room is a nice place to be at any time, we do host three organised sessions every Thursdays, pull up a seat to work alongside some friendly faces.

🌿 Informal chatter can help balance out the back-to-school drive: come join the coffee crew this month on Friday, September 27th at 11am GMT+1.

🧑‍🏫 It’s not too late to join our Bookies in working their way through Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire. Our discussion will be held at the beginning of next month on Friday, October 4th at 10am GMT+1.

Until next time, stay curious, stay caffeinated, stay connected! 🌐☕🤝

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