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August Ahoy!

Here we go stepping (or, in the northern hemisphere, softly sweltering) into the eighth month of the year! Whether you’re enjoying the summer sun or diving deep into your research projects, PGRH is here to accompany everyone through!

July Writing Retreat

An enormous THANK YOU to the wonderful for their brilliant hosting on our very first digital writing retreat. Writing warm-ups were had, many a paragraph was written and chapter outlined, and a wonderful time was had by all! A particular shout-out to Charlie and tiia for their presence and contributions. They have been crowned this month’s Manuscript Mavens and will be sat atop the member list for the month of August! Congrats!

Looking forwards, here’s what we’re bringing you for the month ahead:

Qualitative Thinktank

We’ve been thinking….and all this thinking thought up a new event for August: a bi-weekly PGRH ThinkTank (think-ception )! On August 5 and August 19, join us at 4:00 PM BST in the Chatter voice channel to talk through your latest ideas or share any new exciting findings or articles! This brainstorming session is a space to share your knowledge and expertise, learn from others’ experiences, and have a bit of interdisciplinary fun. We’re looking forward to thinking with you then!

August Movie Night

Block out your diary, our summer’s end movie night is Monday, August 26, 2024 8:00 PM BST. Please head over to the ⁠polling station channel in the server to vote for your pick before we announce the winning entry on August 12th!

Other Server Events

  • , and the Pom Poms will still be with you every Monday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM BST with four led pomodoros to ease you out of the weekend and into the week.
  • and the Coffee Crew are meeting on 30 August at 11:00 AM BST for some informal chat about what we’re working on, what’s on our minds this month and how we’re beating the heat! 
  • is hosting the always-popular Journal With Me event on 27 August at 3:00 PM BST. Click over to the server events in the channels sidebar and press ‘Attending’ to register your interest! 
  • Calling all Bookies to pop into the polling station channel to choose the next book for the Book Club! We’re also on the hunt for a new regular host for the book club, so if you’re a regular face or have always wanted to lead literary discussion, please DM for more details!

A quick reminder that if you need any server-related assistance , you can always submit a ticket to our team in the ⁠help desk channel on the server or through or Contact Us page on the website!

Until next time, stay curious, stay caffeinated, stay connected!

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